NewsPlug: share breaking news

by NewsPlug, Inc.

News & Magazines


Bookmark, share & read any article from any publication. News sources, blogs, Magazines.Share news and articles in an easy to scroll through feed. Follow publications and people that interest you. No fake news. No articles from hate sites. No Selling of data. Free Speech welcome.We built Newsplug, because there was no simple and easy to use, user supplied content news feed. We wanted the ability to share articles from anywhere, post them publicly or share them privately.Add pretty much any article simply by either pasting the url in your feed or using our share extension. Read articles now or later. Skim any article in your feed prior to reading it, bookmark articles and read them now, or in offline mode when on the subway, plane or on a deserted island.Feeds are categorized, theres trending, different feed views, direct message box, user profiles, publication profiles. News, politics, culture or sports, the Newsplug Android app will keep you updated, informed and entertained. For a new generation of independent thinkers.Add content from any news source, blog, journal & magazine